Vladimir Mitrovic,塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德的开发者
Vladimir is available for hire
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Vladimir Mitrovic

Verified Expert  in Engineering


Belgrade, Serbia
Toptal Member Since
November 1, 2015

Vladimir已经做了11年的专业开发人员. Most recently, he's been focusing on augmented reality, computational design, and computer graphics. He has architected complex software systems, done UX design, led teams, and spoken at conferences. He values simplicity and efficiency and loves working on interactive products no matter the platform.


Shaders, OpenGL, Clojure, Unity3D, Unity, c#, ShaderLab, Unity Shaders...
Nelu, LLC
Unity,增强现实(AR), iOS, Android,位置感知技术...
Unity3D, VR, Oculus, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive...




Preferred Environment

MacOS, IntelliJ IDEA, Unity3D

The most amazing...

...我创建的项目是“巡回”, a generative weather forecast application utilizing signed-distance fields for real-time rendering on mobile phone hardware.

Work Experience


2015 - PRESENT
  • 创立了我的私人艺术事务所. 系统、光学和美学.
  • 参与过涉及人类视觉系统的项目, which has evolved to take in and interpret an enormous amount of information many times per second, 使其大规模并行信息处理能力在很大程度上未被使用.
  • Approached visualization in a more innate and sensory-driven fashion–higher bandwidth and lower precision.
Technologies: Shaders, OpenGL, Clojure, Unity3D, Unity, c#, ShaderLab, Unity Shaders, Color Theory, Color Schemes, Rust, C++


2020 - 2021
Nelu, LLC
  • Developed a computer vision algorithm which automatically detects real-world dimensions of a shipping box recorded by the device's camera.
  • Developed a locative augmented reality application and pipeline for anchoring and displaying 3D models on top of real-world locations with positioning precision measured in centimeters.
  • 确保所有AR应用程序在iOS和Android上都能顺利运行.
Technologies: Unity,增强现实(AR), iOS, Android,位置感知技术, Location Services, Photogrammetry, ARKit, ARCore, Computer Vision, OpenCV


2018 - 2019
  • Worked on the core engine supporting Arkio's computational geometry operations in VR.
  • Implemented various algorithms for spatial segmentation, primitive composition, and solid modeling.
  • Worked on designing and implementing user-facing solid geometry manipulation controls.
Technologies: Unity3D, VR, Oculus, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Computational Geometry, Geometry, C#, Unity, Architecture, 3D Architecture


2018 - 2019
  • Built parts of an augmented reality content creation platform and marketplace running on the blockchain.
  • Designed and architected the global positioning and coordinated the system translation algorithm, 它将“现实世界”(地理)坐标转换为AR坐标.
  • Designed and implemented a land subdivision and ownership solution which allows users to buy parcels of land in the real world through the AR app.
Technologies: ARKit, Unity3D, Unity, ARCore, iOS, Android, C#, Augmented Reality (AR), Location Services, 位置感知技术


2017 - 2018
La Siesta Technologies
  • 为iOS创建了一个增强现实应用程序, which helps a Spanish construction company measure and model staircase-attached chair elevators for disabled persons.
  • Designed and implemented a user-friendly application which lets company inspectors easily capture the shape and dimensions of the staircase via AR and save it for later processing.
  • Designed a computer vision algorithm which detects staircase features and combines them with AR data.
Technologies: Swift, ARKit, Augmented Reality (AR), iOS, Computer Vision, OpenCV, Construction, Home Construction

Senior Unity Developer

2017 - 2018
Cortina Productions
  • Worked on interactive on-site installations for the Royal Alberta Museum and the National Comedy Center.
  • 在Unity 3D中创建多点触控,多屏幕交互体验.
  • Built a client-friendly installer format for easy on-site installation on custom hardware.
Technologies: Unity3D, Unity, C#, Touchscreens, Installation, Digital Installation, Museums & 展品,着色器,Unity着色器

Senior iOS Developer

2016 - 2017
  • 为苹果公司创建并发布了一款内部(仅限员工)iOS应用.
技术:iOS, Swift


2015 - 2016
Work & Co
  • 参与维珍美国航空iOS应用的开发.
技术:Lua, Swift, iOS

领导iOS, Unity和后端开发人员

2011 - 2015
  • 领导《欧博体育app下载》的iOS开发工作一年半.
  • Led the Unity development team on various in-house prototype projects for three years.
  • 参与UX设计,低级网络代码,实验性游戏服务器.
技术:c#, Unity, Objective-C, iOS

Lead iOS Developer

2010 - 2011
  • 构建了NextWidgets iOS购物小工具, 使客户能够在自己的iOS应用中嵌入微商店.
技术:Git, Xcode, Objective-C


2009 - 2010
M2E Consulting
  • Developed a suite of prototype apps and web services for making inspection and monitoring easier for construction industry clients.
技术:Xcode, Objective-C

Software Engineer

2008 - 2008
谷歌代码之夏| Nmap
  • 设计并实现了Zenmap的网络映射模式, 扫描网络的动态可视化表示.
技术:GTK+, Subversion (SVN), Eclipse, Python

Software Developer

2007 - 2008
  • Debugged business logic code and fixed database issues on Sybase and Oracle database platforms.
Technologies: C

Software Developer

2007 - 2007
谷歌代码之夏| OpenMRS
  • Designed and implemented the core logic service architecture that allowed medical staff to make rule-based queries to the database in a human-friendly way.
技术:Apache Tomcat, Subversion (SVN), Eclipse, MySQL, Hibernate, 雅加达服务器页面(JSP), Java

Aesthetic Engine 2

美学引擎2同时也是一个网页浏览器, 生成数据雕塑, 还有一幅变形画. 它将我们日常网络浏览背后隐藏的复杂性可视化.

每个网页都使用针对不同HTML标记组的预定义规则来呈现. The content, which is visible to users in conventional web browsers (paragraphs, images, etc.),使用最厚的形状渲染. Scaffolding around visible content—all of the “invisible” internal stuff—is rendered using thinner strands escaping from the middle of the structure. JavaScript code, CSS files, and all other externally loaded resources are rendered as twisting lines wrapping themselves around the structure. Lastly, the web page’s code is scraped for all outgoing links (URLs) and each of them is rendered as a long line escaping from the structure outward, 因此,可视化的“连通性”的页面.


我和获奖作品Work一起制作了维珍美国航空的iOS应用 & Co agency.

Top Eleven for iOS

I was the lead developer on the team that built the iOS version of the world's most popular online sports game.


我工作室的生成标志. 也可以查看代码(主要是ClojureScript): http://github.com/BRUTALISM/BRU-3


ObjectiveMixin是我为iOS编写的一个流行的开源库. 它为Objective-C程序提供了类似ruby的mixin功能.


Spomenik is a turn-based city-builder game in which you build a city on multiple levels: in reality, 在它的居民的梦中. 我正在独立制作这款游戏.


这是我在业余时间制作的程序地形生成器项目. 它使用体积密度函数和矢量场来生成地形, 不使用预先建模的几何体.

Quadtree Implementation

My implementation of the quadtree data structure for enabling quick element lookups using positions on a two-dimensional plane. 它就像是二维空间中物体的字典, which you can query by position and fetch all elements in a given radius around a given point, all in logarithmic time. 我在我所有的项目中广泛使用这个类.

Hero of Allacrost

Designed and wrote a data scripting interface for loading arbitrary data structures (map tiles, sprites, 让它们在游戏引擎中作为c++对象可见.

Unwelcome Gaze

Unwelcome Gaze is a triptych visualizing the publicly reachable web server infrastructure of these companies and the routing graph(s) leading to them. 经过数周细致的网络侦察, 路由信息已被收集并在本地保存. 在此基础上,重构了三种网络的路由图. 然后将每个图形可视化为生成的三维雕塑, 不断改变它的外观——就像它所描绘的数据一样.


Itinerant is an experimental weather forecast app, utilizing the human visual perception system (i.e. 识别形状和颜色),而不是符号解释系统(例如.e. 阅读单词和数字). It is an experiment in outperforming traditional weather information data displays in terms of how long it takes to parse and understand the information. Even more importantly, it is an experiment in helping to change the nature of that understanding.
2002 - 2008




Machine Learning



OpenGL, OpenCV


Xcode, Git


Unity, Unity3D, ARKit


iOS, MacOS, Android, ARCore, Oculus, Oculus Rift


c#, Objective-C, Swift, Clojure, c++, C, Lua, ShaderLab, Rust


Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Algorithms, Data Structures, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Shaders, 交互设计(IxD), Machine Learning, 位置感知技术, Location Services, Photogrammetry, HTC Vive, Computational Geometry, Geometry, Architecture, 3D Architecture, Unity Shaders, Color Theory, Color Schemes, Construction, Home Construction, Touchscreens, Installation, Digital Installation, Museums & 展览、实现


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